Agriculture is the bedrock of modern civilization, and every revolution that humanity has gone through to be where it’s at today has rested on the assured supply of nutrition, made possible by the agricultural revolution. With the rise of the food industry and the growing demand for food, the methods used for producing food have become a topic of interest for many. Organic farming and conventional farming are two widely used methods of producing food around the world. Although conventional farming is still the most common type of farming, organic farming is becoming increasingly popular these days. Before we talk about the difference between organic and chemical farming, we first need to know what they both mean.

Organic farming

difference between organic and chemical farming

Organic farming is a type of farming that encourages the conservation of natural resources and ecological balance while avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It is simply farming without the use of industrial chemicals. It places a focus on the application of natural methods to enhance soil fertility, biodiversity, and the ecosystem as a whole.

Organic farming aims to maintain or improve soil fertility, produce high-quality food without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms, and protect the environment. Compost, manure, and cover crops are examples of natural sources of nutrients that are used in organic farming to control soil fertility and nourish crops. Pests and illnesses are managed by insects, birds, and other organisms, while crop rotation and intercropping are used to preserve the biodiversity and health of the soil.

Improved soil health, enhanced biodiversity, decreased soil erosion, and improved water quality are just a few advantages of organic farming. Because organic crops typically include higher quantities of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it also results in food that are healthier and more nutritious.

With customers becoming more and more interested in food production that is environmentally friendly and sustainable, the movement for organic farming has risen dramatically in recent years. To ensure that consumers can trust the organic label, many countries have established laws and certifications for organic farming methods.

Organic farming in each country is specifically described and defined by law, and any commercial use of the term ‘Organic’ is subject to government control. There are specific actions each prospective organic farmer should follow (and avoid) in order to be certified as an organic farmer. Even a slight deviation from the law can result in the termination of organic status.

If you are interested in engaging in organic farming, you can apply to a certification body in your area. In case you meet the standards, after a certain period (for example 3-4 years if you grow trees), you will be approved by the authorities. Those who do follow the rules, then market their products as “Certified Organic” and can display the official organic seal on their packaging, something that generally results in higher prices.

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Chemical farming

Chemical farming, commonly referred to as conventional farming, is a type of agriculture that depends on the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to boost crop yields and manage diseases and pests.

In order to provide plants the nutrients they need to grow, synthetic fertilizers are applied to the soil in this process. These fertilizers are typically produced using non-renewable resources like petroleum and natural gas. Some farmers employ pesticides and herbicides in addition to fertilizers to control weeds and insects that could harm their crops. These substances frequently harm non-target species, including humans, and the environment.

The capacity of chemical farming to boost crop yields, which can aid in meeting the rising need for food, is one of its key benefits. The usage of synthetic chemicals, however, can have detrimental impacts on the ecosystem, such as soil deterioration, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. Chemical farming may also be harmful to human health because exposure to synthetic chemicals has been associated with a number of illnesses and problems.

Difference between organic farming and chemical farming

Chemical farming and organic farming are two very distinct methods of agriculture that have significant impact on the economy, the environment, and human health. Here is a thorough contrast between the two;

1Organic farming is an agricultural system that emphasizes on the use of natural and sustainable farming methods. By maintaining soil health, conserving water resources, and minimizing the use of synthetic chemicals.Chemical farming, also known as conventional farming, is an agricultural system that relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to maximize crop yields.
2Focuses more on sustainability; the need to care for the environment and at the same time produce good quality food.More focused on yield and profit.
3Uses fertilizers obtained through organic means like compost, manure e. t. c.Uses chemical fertilizers like Urea, DDT e. t. c.
4Vulnerable to disease and pest attacks.Ability to resist disease and pest attacks effectively due to the use of pesticides and the likes.
5No health risk because of the absence of harmful chemicals.Heavy use of chemical fertilizers can lead to extensive health risks.
6Organic farming helps to improve the overall ecology due to safe farming methods.Chemical farming turns out to be more detrimental to land, soil, water, animals and even Man.
7Improves soil structureAlters soil pH
8Nutrients are available for a long periodNutrients are available only for a short period

The bottom line

The difference between organic and chemical farming is quite wide. They differ not only in terms of how crops are grown, but also in terms of ethics and principles. Whereas chemical farming farming solely seeks to increase yields and profits, organic farming frequently strikes a compromise. It firmly operates in the sustainable sector.

Profits are the primary focus of conventional farming, whereas responsibility is more important in organic farming. And the terrible state in which our world, its ecosystem, and its natural resources are currently in calls for us to exercise greater responsibility.

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